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  • Evaluate problem, set goals and provide possible solutions

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    20 min

    88 Canadian dollars
  • The client brings a current challenge or goals you want to achieve

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    1 hr

    339 Canadian dollars
  • 针对职业规划和求职的客户,我们为你提供高效的小组辅导,通过5-10小时的辅导课程及作业,掌握技巧,实现目标

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    1 hr 30 min

    Starting at $880....
  • 对于高中生做职业规划和选择专业,毕业生进入职场,职场人士进一步发展,都需要从了解自己的独特优势开始

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    158 Canadian dollars
预约服务: Bookings
Bridge Over River


– Choose the service and book appointment.

- New clients who book First Consultation shall not expect to get a full coaching. If you want to solve a  specific problem, please book 1hr.  

– Each session is 20- 60 minutes long.

– The client brings a current challenge (either a problem to be solved or a goal to be achieved) as the topic of the session.


1. 加微信tibet_jade, 说明选定的服务

2. 选择合适的付款方式,预付咨询款

3. 付款后网上预约、并确认咨询时间

4. 按预约时间登录Zoom ID: 5414012367

付款:   价格以美元计算

1. 美国及其他境外客户



2. 加拿大客户 (报价x1.13)

3. 中国客户

    微信支付,人民币= 报价x 6.5

预约服务: Welcome
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