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打造Networking高手必修课3: 如何做好Information Interview

Updated: May 15, 2020

原创:BLC Career 2020-05-02


Coach Jade点评

       在西方,职场上Networking一种流行的做法就是通过与业内人士做Information Interview建立联系,获取信息。甚至内部提升之前,常常需要和新岗位的经理先做个Information Interview,了解一下具体工作内容、要求,并请对方帮自己判断一下是否大致匹配

        在职业咨询的过程中,我们也常常用到这个技能。比如职业定位,对目标岗位最有效的了解就是通过和从事这个工作的人Information Interview,来判断自己的定位是否准确。求职辅导过程中这个能力更是重中之重,对能否有份业内水平的简历,有针对性的准备好面试,及可能的内部推荐机会,都有着决定意义。

        辅导Information Interview的时候,发现大家最容易犯个致命错误,导致效果非但不好,还可能产生负面影响,就是出发点错了。很多人都以为对方是给自己带来内推机会的那个人,因此拼命的sell自己如何优秀,希望对方有机会推荐自己。要知道没有了解一个人以前,极少有人愿意主动推荐的,最多是礼貌的告诉你自己去网上投简历。







        Coach Jade做过Information Interview辅导的学员,都能建立几个业内的铁杆人脉,有不少人还意外的收获到工作机会。对方觉得我们的学员人好,能力强,恰逢公司内部需要推荐人选,他们自然也成了他/她的人脉。祝你看了下面的具体操作指南,也能成为networking高手! 


Since you will start to conduct information interview to gather more information on your future career and to network, I'll give you some idea for your reference.

The Information Interview

Interested in a particular career path or a specific occupation? The information interview is a research tool for finding out more by talking to people in an occupation or career area.

Information interviews are often done by telephone, but some people may prefer to meet you face to face.

An information interview should never be used to sell yourself in order to get a job. All you want is information, so you can relax and enjoy the conversation.

Why should I do an information interview?

The information interview allows you to collect information tailor-made to your specific needs.

· You get first-hand, real information about a career/occupation/industry.

· You can find out facts about earnings, work conditions and opportunities.

· You can see if the career/occupation matches your needs, interests and skills.

· You build your network, making contacts with people who may be able to help you in the future.

· You get to practice your communications skills and gain confidence for job interviews.

People who do information interviews say that they can often result in unexpected job information and opportunities down the road.

Who should I interview?

You probably have an idea what career occupation you want to research. If you don't know anyone working in these areas:

· Ask family members and friends if they know someone you can interview.

· Check and connect with people working for companies in your area of interest.

· Once you get an interview with one person, ask for names of other people you could call.

· Try to get as much background information on the career/occupation before you start interviewing. Check out your local library or do a Web search.

What do I say? How do I get started?

Starting a conversation to get an information interview with a stranger is a challenge. You may feel shy, or afraid to impose, or worried that the person may not want to talk to you.

· Write out a "script" that you would be comfortable saying.

· Practice your "script" ahead of time. Think of it as a rehearsal and say the "script" until it feels natural. Try it out on a family member or friend.

· Make sure you identify yourself and why you're calling.

· Let the person know that you need only 10 or 15 minutes of his/her time.

· Make sure it's convenient for your interview. If not, ask if you can schedule another time.

Before you ask questions 

· Write down your questions before you start.

· When the interview starts, tell the person briefly about your interests and skills so he/she can offer you relevant information.

· Take notes if you can. 

Some sample questions that you can ask

· How did you enter into this field?

· On a typical day in this position, what do you do?

· What opportunities for advancement(career path) are there in this field?

· What are the salary ranges for various levels in this field?

· What are the basic education/training/experience prerequisites for jobs in this field?

· What special advice would you give to a person entering this field?

· Which professional journals and organizations would help me learn more about this field?

· What part of this job do you find most satisfying? Most challenging?

· What do you think of the experience I've had so far in terms of entering this field?

· Any other jobs you would recommend me to explore further?

· Is there anyone you have in mind that I can pick his/her brain?

 Overall, find out more if you fit for this job or really love this kind of work!

Good Luck! Don't forget to follow up with an email after the Information Interview and keep contacting them with your update and information sharing.

我们连续用了三期详细讲解做Information Interview要注意什么,怎么约人,以及和陌生人初次见面如何聊天,才能获得你想要的信息。相信经过多次练习,你也能成为networking达人,无论是求职,还是职业提升,都会对你有极大的帮助。恭喜你掌握了快速建立高质量人脉的能力,未来的职业发展如虎添翼。



Coach Jade,北美为数不多的华人Career Coach(职业教练)之一。20年丰富职场经验,跨越中国,美国,加拿大。毕业于211大学和美国顶尖的商学院;曾就职于央企,外企,私企,和清华大学经管学院。亲历过各种热门行业和岗位,外贸,互联网,旅游,猎头,大学;担任过销售,市场,总经理,创业者,和职业发展中心主任。





        微信:tibet_jade  (识别下图中的二维码)



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