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Updated: May 15, 2020

BetterLifeCanada 2019-04-28

Coach Jade点评
       在求职辅导的过程中,除了简历、求职信和面试辅导,Networking也是十分重要的一个环节,对学员来说是最难做好的一步。Why?因为在职场中,尤其是西方文化下,networking是商业交往的主要方式之一,不认识的人可以一起通过喝咖啡变成彼此的资源,甚至还可能因此得到一份理想工作。它的重要性是毋庸置疑的,而缺乏本地文化和人脉的移民往往不知道该如何请陌生人喝咖啡,怎么能不被拒绝,还能聊的好。 我们在接下来几期会陆续介绍怎么用本地人的方式做Information Interview和Coffee Chat,快速建立你的人脉。这个本领对你准确的做好职业定位,提升简历的针对性,以及获得可能的内推机会,至关重要。
今天我们先看看一篇来自著名的公关公司-爱德曼的高管Lauri Hennessey 关于coffee chat写的肺腑之言。你会明白为什么有人愿意无条件的花时间帮你,以及去喝咖啡的重要注意事项。

Lauri Hennessey is a Vice President for Corporate & Public Affairs at Edelman in Seattle and on the Board of the Seattle Chapter of the Association of Women in Communications. And, she drinks a lot of coffee.

This is what she wrote about Coffee Chat on LinkedIn:

I go to a lot of coffee dates.

In fact, I say yes to everyone who asks me to coffee. Usually they want jobs. Often they want connections. Frequently they want ideas. But sometimes, they just need someone to listen. Looking for a job is hard work.

I've been there. There was a while when I first started my own PR business a decade or so ago. Wow, it was tough. I never forgot those who had coffee with me then.  My favorite story involves a guy who ran his own PR firm here in town. He kindly agreed to coffee and I am horrified to recall, I got a little wobbly during the meeting.  It was hard getting my business going and I was exhausted. He could tell. He told me I would do great and I would treat him to lunch someday. As he said, "I know you are going to do great. Good people always do."  Then he continued to meet with me over the years, as I built my business.

As we all know, it's not simple sometimes, especially in public relations. Good people struggle to find jobs or start businesses or network. And thus, the all-important coffee date.

Like I said, I am always happy to have coffee. But lately, I have noticed the coffee dates don't always go as planned. So I decided to give people my 

Top 10 Tips for Coffee Dates.

Always show up.  Lately I have had people arrange coffee dates and be late or maybe cancel with short notice. I understand things happen. But it has to be pretty big to cancel someone willing to have coffee with you.

Bring a notebook. It is amazing to me that so many people come to courtesy meetings and then don't write anything down. There I am, listing connections and contacts, and they are not writing it down. Really?

Don't ask me to do work.  It is also amazing how many people actually ask me to do work. Finding time for all these coffee dates, in addition to my actual work, is hard enough. Then people you meet with sometimes ask me to send long introduction notes to colleagues, or summarize our meeting or send them recaps.  Tip? Make it easy for me.

Have a resume in hand - or on email - and send it to me before coffee. This is super-helpful. Let me know who you are before the meeting. Then we can use our time chatting and brainstorming.

Be positive. I know, it's a long road. Sometimes it wears you out. But try not to show it too much at the meeting. Come in with positive energy and be your own best advertisement. 

Know your ask.  Work ahead of time to figure out what you want of me. Know your request and have it worked out. Is it names? Is it leads? Is it a brainstorming? Come in ready to make the most of my time.

Don't be critical of others. I often have coffee with people who spend the whole time criticizing their last employer. It doesn't engender much confidence, especially at our first meeting.

Be understanding on the scheduling. People who agree to have coffee are doing it around the actual jobs they have. Sometimes, it means things get rescheduled. Be patient, and know it will happen.

Pay it forward. You will land on your feet. Sometimes it just takes longer. The best thing you can do if someone has coffee with you today is to pass it on and take someone else to coffee someday.  Remember the kindness others showed you. 

Last, but certainly not least, write thank-you notes. Thank people who make time to help. It matters.

Earlier I talked about the PR business-owner who helped me along the way.  The first thing I did when I came into my current job was to reach out to him and ask him if I could buy him lunch. I thanked him for listening over the years and for his support. I could tell it mattered to him. But buying lunch was really just a first step. There is a bigger way to repay him for his kindness.

Now, I pass it on.

帮你了解到通过喝咖啡做Information Interview最重要的基本注意事项后,我们会一步步的教你怎么约人,怎么聊天。无论什么性格的人,都可以运用自如,快速在新的环境中建立高质量的职场人脉。



Coach Jade,北美为数不多的华人Career Coach(职业教练)之一。20年丰富职场经验,跨越中国,美国,加拿大。毕业于211大学和美国顶尖的商学院;曾就职于央企,外企,私企,和清华大学经管学院。亲历过各种热门行业和岗位,外贸,互联网,旅游,猎头,大学;担任过销售,市场,总经理,创业者,和职业发展中心主任。




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